The VW Engine Company

Full information about The VW Engine Company (Establishment and car repair) at Verdant Lane, London, England SE6 1LG - address, phone and fax, official website, working hours, photo, maps, reviews and etc.


Establishment   Car repair  

+44 20 8692 3326

Verdant Lane
England SE6 1LG
United Kingdom

Official Website:

Opening hours

Monday 08:00 — 17:30
Tuesday 08:00 — 17:30
Wednesday 08:00 — 17:30
Thursday 08:00 — 17:30
Friday 08:00 — 17:30


5 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews about The VW Engine Company

    Alan Foulkes Review added: 2018.01.07
    A big thank you to Adrian and the Team.
    Unusually I had a problem with the engine I bought. The after sales service from the company was fantastic. Not only did they replace the engine and fit a replacement without fuss, but also replaced hosing, sorted out a carburetor problem, improved the gear change, refitted a badly fitted new exhaust system!!...all for a minimal labour charge+parts. They also set up the new engine beautifully and my van has never run so well in all the 11 years that I have had it. Brilliant!

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Official website

The VW Engine Company    0208 692 3326 - Engine reconditioning
Aircooled VW Engine reconditioning engine builders
The VW Engine Company, VW Aircooled engine reconditioning, air cooled engine reconditioning, VW aircooled engine builders